I finally get to see the bottom of my boat! I'm off paying for the haulout.  Savannagh thinks the dock crew that took this pic is pretty funny.  I don't, as her ONE job was to grab the tools and the new zincs before jumping off.   She forgot! And up she comes. Scan-121118-0007 Scan-121118-0015 Scan-121118-0021
Scan-121118-0019 My fancy prop. And back into the water. Scan-121118-0009 Many of us have had the misfortune to hit a log. Few of us have hit a TREE .. one on land, still planted firmly in the ground.  I was given firm instructions by the marina, down the channel, past the last group of the boathouses, turn left. "It's low tide, but there should be enough water under you"  Down the channel I went, my sounder immediately changing from a beep beep to a BEEP BEEP to a BEEEEEEEEEEP.  IT WAS A NARROW CHANNEL, my gaze switching from the numbers on the sounder to the shore that was awefully close by to the sounder again, as I went from shade to bright sun and back to shade again. More pictures of my prop, now all nice and shiny.  Spent a couple of hours with 400 wet and dry sandpaper to get here.
20130514 125845 20130514 125857 Spring 2013 pullout, and left on the hard for a bit.  Bottom was cleaned, polished, and painter. 20130511 171059 As part of the backstay chainplate refit, I need to remove the oak trim at the back of the boat.  It's bolted through, so I have to get to the nuts on the bottom.  There's NO WAY for an adult to get in their now, so I had to recruit a helper. 20130512 134358
I was hoping to repack the stuffing box do this pullout, as it was starting to leak when stopped.  Sadly, I was NOT able to get the nut off.  It was SO tight and there is SO little room in there it just wouldn't come.  Next pullout, drastic actions.  Drop the rudder, unbolt the shaft from the transmission (I hope!) remove the shaft and drop in a whole new stuffing box.